26. November 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: A 23 y.o. Bowmore from 1989 (Sherry Cask)
What a cool label and what an enticing colour this new Agency bottling has! I was very curious to try this 23 y.o. sherried Bowmore a week ago. Since then it received
Kategorien: Scotch , Whisk(e)y |
Schlagwörter: Bayern , Bowmore 23 y.o. The Whisky Agency 'Fights' 1989 sherry , Degustation , Genießer , Geschenk , Ingolstadt Augsburg , Landshut , Mann besonderes , Männer , München , Nürnberg , Passau , Peter Krause , Pit Krause , Regensburg , review , Score , Seminar , single malt , slowdrink , Tasting , Verkostung , Weihnachtsgeschenk , Whiskey , Whiskey-Tasting , Whiskey-Verkostung , Whisky , whisky blog , Whisky Tasting , years old |