Will Jens have picked a loser this time – I seriously doubt it. The duck breeder keeps delivering. Here are my reviews of the new releases: Blended Malt ‚very old‘ Whisky-Fässle bottled 2016, sherry butt, 45,4% Comment: Loved the … Weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: Mannochmore
18. März 2017
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Ducks for Spring: New Whisky-Fässle Bottlings
Ducks for Spring: New Whisky-Fässle Bottlings
Our friend Jens was so kind to send me samples of the new drams. Unfortunately, I am a bit late with my notes, but nevertheless here they come, my 2p: Irish Single Malt ‚extra old‘ Whisky-Fässle, bottled 2016, Barrel, … Weiterlesen