The Society bottlings sell out very quickly (because they usually perform very well), which makes it necessary for me to release notes shortly after they arrive. So I keep
11. September 2014
von Peter Krause Kommentare deaktiviert für The Duck Breeder keeps on amazing us – New Bottlings by Whisky-Fässle
Our friend Jens Unterweger allowed me to sample his latest releases. This really nice, knowledgeable and ‚down to earth‘ guy has had a good hand in choosing amazing
4. August 2012
von Peter Krause Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Brora 32 y.o. OB
A shorter note today, but one of a very famous bottling: the highly acclaimed Brora 32 y.o. – I could try this at a friend’s house (thanks, Michael) after a nice dinner last night. This dram was the perfect