11. September 2014
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Quick Review of recent SMWS Bottlings for Germany

Quick Review of recent SMWS Bottlings for Germany

The Society bottlings sell out very quickly (because they usually perform very well), which makes it necessary for me to release notes shortly after they arrive. So I keep

11. September 2014
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für The Duck Breeder keeps on amazing us – New Bottlings by Whisky-Fässle

The Duck Breeder keeps on amazing us – New Bottlings by Whisky-Fässle

Our friend Jens Unterweger allowed me to sample his latest releases. This really nice, knowledgeable and ‚down to earth‘ guy has had a good hand in choosing amazing

4. August 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Brora 32 y.o. OB

Review: Brora 32 y.o. OB

A shorter note today, but one of a very famous bottling: the highly acclaimed Brora 32 y.o. – I could try this at a friend’s house (thanks, Michael) after a nice dinner last night. This dram was the perfect