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Schlagwort-Archive: Test

2. November 2022
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für ARDBEG HYPERNOVA 51% (Committee Release 2022) in the review
ARDBEG HYPERNOVA 51% (Committee Release 2022) in the review
I have waited for this like a little child. The Supernova releases thrilled me, so what will this 170ppm phenol monster bring to the glass? Educated whisky drinkers know that the ppm content of the barley is not necessarily the … Weiterlesen

22. April 2022
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für ARDBEG ‚Ardcore‘ – both versions in a comparative tasting
ARDBEG ‚Ardcore‘ – both versions in a comparative tasting
For this year’s Ardbeg Day, June 4th 2022 at Feis Ile (and the world), whisky creator Dr. Bill Lumsden has used very dark roasted malt for this release called ‚Ardcore‘ – a Punk Rock version in design. There will be … Weiterlesen

3. März 2022
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Grape of the Art – Fine Spirits shaped by friendship and enthusiasm
Grape of the Art – Fine Spirits shaped by friendship and enthusiasm
When my attention was brought to this lovely project called ‚Grape of the Art‘ undertaken by a German – or Swabian, for precision – group of friends, I immediately liked the idea. Robert Bauer, Oliver Gerhardt, Sascha Junkert, Christian Maier … Weiterlesen

24. Januar 2022
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für ARDBEG 13 y.o. ‚Fermutation‘ Committee Release 2007, Bourbon Casks, 49,4%
ARDBEG 13 y.o. ‚Fermutation‘ Committee Release 2007, Bourbon Casks, 49,4%
Fermentation is key to the taste of a distillate. Distillation mostly highlights and pontentiates aromas that already exist in the wash. Nothing to play around with, so to speak. However, over the years of effectivity, many whisky distilleries reduced the … Weiterlesen

17. Dezember 2021
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Cognac-Christmas: Big and small stocking stuffers from Kirsch Import
Cognac-Christmas: Big and small stocking stuffers from Kirsch Import
Around Christmas-time I enjoy a good glass of Cognac, and this is more than a malternative. Sebastian Jäger from Kirsch Import (congrats: they won ‚importer of the year‘) is on our side to bring Charente-juice back to honour again. Let’s … Weiterlesen

20. November 2021
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für New WU – four bottlings (Ardbeg 20, Ledaig 25, Jamaica 25, Cognac VSOP Tennessee Finish)
New WU – four bottlings (Ardbeg 20, Ledaig 25, Jamaica 25, Cognac VSOP Tennessee Finish)
The Wu Dram Clan boys are pumpin‘ out serious gourmet sh.. on a regular basis. I am a sucker for many of their releases – WU is forever, remember that! Even the big Kahuna, an Ardbeg 2001 Single Cask, is … Weiterlesen

9. August 2021
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für ARDBEG 19 y.o. Traigh Bhan Batch #3, 46,2%
ARDBEG 19 y.o. Traigh Bhan Batch #3, 46,2%
Wonderful news: The Singing Sands are back! Ardbeg’s 19 years old ‚Traigh Bhan‘ release is named after this Islay phenomenon (read up on it) and the first two bottlings really rocked our world – we reviewed them here and there. … Weiterlesen
Wu Nevis: A new Release of da Clan
Wow, Wu Dram Clan’s drams are so damn hot right now – deservedly so. Here comes another belter from one of my favorite distilleries with a cool outfit. Of course, it sold out within minutes and hovers around 91 points … Weiterlesen
Two Cognac-Killers
Sebastian from Wu Dram has long joined our mission to give Cognac, Armagnac and related ‚grapers‘ more attention. Along with Boris he unearthed quite some belters already. Now two new old Cognacs await us. Here are my 2p on them: … Weiterlesen

11. Mai 2021
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für ARDBEG SCORCH Committee Release 2021, 51,7%
ARDBEG SCORCH Committee Release 2021, 51,7%
For Ardbeg Day 2021, the Ultimate Islay Distillery releases a dragon-imparted dram 😉 . I spare you the funny marketing story and recommend you play the game as an online substitution for the fun we used to have at the … Weiterlesen

3. Juli 2020
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Da Wu goes bling: Cognac Vallein Tercinier 53 y.o. Brut de Fut (Single Cask, 156 btl.) 1967 – 2020 Grand Champagne 47%
Da Wu goes bling: Cognac Vallein Tercinier 53 y.o. Brut de Fut (Single Cask, 156 btl.) 1967 – 2020 Grand Champagne 47%
Let’s start with a longer introduction this time – skip if in a hurry 🙂 : Now that good whisky is becoming a luxury item and many drinkers feel like getting priced out of the market, people need to look … Weiterlesen

31. Mai 2020
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Ardbeg Blaaack Committee 20th Aniversary Edition (Ardbeg Home Day) 46%
Ardbeg Blaaack Committee 20th Aniversary Edition (Ardbeg Home Day) 46%
Es gibt was zu feiern! Das Ardbeg Committee wird 20 und es ist Ardbeg Day – leider zu Hause – aber „grad mit Fleiß“! Dazu passend bringt Ardbeg die Blaaack in der Ardbeg Day-Version mit 46% heraus. Die vorausgegangene Committee-Edition … Weiterlesen
Hood Review: A Ledaig Kraken from da WU!
Ledaig 11 y.o. The Whisky Kingdom / Wu Dram Clan 2009 – 2020, Bourbon hogshead 700056, 279 btl., 54,4% Comment: Release the Kraaaaken! Cool label, thanks to Boris for providing me with a sample. I am a sucker for Ledaig … Weiterlesen
Review: Ardbeg 5 y.o. Wee Beastie 47,4%
This sample arrived late due to postal issues with Covid-19. I was so happy when it made it. Great to see an addition to Ardbeg’s core range, especially as this ‚Little Beast‘ has an age statement. The five years don’t … Weiterlesen
ARDBEG Supernova 2019 53,8%
Nach dem gelungenen Traigh Bhan legt Ardbeg gleich nach mit dem Torfhammer schlechthin, dem sehr gesuchten Supernova. Für mich ist diese Variante mit mehr ppm an Phenolen stets ein Genuss gewesen, der näher an den legendären 1970ern dran war als … Weiterlesen

29. August 2019
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für ARDBEG 19 y.o. Traigh Bhan (first batch 2019), 46,2%
ARDBEG 19 y.o. Traigh Bhan (first batch 2019), 46,2%
Da hat mich Ardbeg doch im Urlaub überrascht, daher erst heute die Review: ein neuer Ardbeg mit Altersangabe 19 Jahre, das ist schon allein ein Grund zu feiern. Er wird in jährlichen Kleinserien dauerhaft erhältlich sein und ist nach dem … Weiterlesen

6. Januar 2019
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Whisky-Seminar in München am 27. Januar 2019
Whisky-Seminar in München am 27. Januar 2019
27. Jan., 16.00 Uhr (München): Whisky-Seminar in der Havana-Bar: Wir bringen unseren Klassiker nach München. Zu bestem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis erlebt ihr hier ein Traum-Whiskyseminar, das sowohl Neulinge als auch Kenner voll befriedigt. Viel Wissenswertes rund um das Thema Whisky, verschiedene Fassreifungen, … Weiterlesen

15. März 2016
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: ARDBEG ‚Dark Cove‘ Committee Release 55%
Review: ARDBEG ‚Dark Cove‘ Committee Release 55%
This new bottling – said to be the darkest Ardbeg ever – meets high expectations. Many Ardnuts love the really rare sherry-cask expressions. The ‚Dark Cove‘ is only partly matured in such casks, but this worked well for the Uigeadail … Weiterlesen

6. März 2014
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Whisky from next door: Tasting Fellows (Independent Bottler)
Whisky from next door: Tasting Fellows (Independent Bottler)
When I learnt about this project, I loved it from the start. A group of friends decided to bottle their own – hence the name „Tasting Fellows„. As you might know, it

5. März 2014
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Tasting: Summer-Jamboree vor dem Vatertag (28. Mai bei Ziegler – Feine Kost) – meine Whisky-, Rum- und Cognac-Specials
Tasting: Summer-Jamboree vor dem Vatertag (28. Mai bei Ziegler – Feine Kost) – meine Whisky-, Rum- und Cognac-Specials
Wir haben in den Sommer verschoben – wer da nicht dabei ist, insbesondere zu diesem fairen Preis, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen. Pit holt zehn seiner ganz besonderen Flaschen aus seiner Kollektion, um sie

25. August 2013
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: New Whisky-Fässle Bottlings (Glen Keith, Bowmore, Tamdhu, Auchroisk, Bunnahabhain, Clynelish)
Review: New Whisky-Fässle Bottlings (Glen Keith, Bowmore, Tamdhu, Auchroisk, Bunnahabhain, Clynelish)
Our friend Jens Unterweger has proven time and again that he has a fine nose for finding the best cask out of a series. Did he do it again? Read my review here:

7. August 2013
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Recent ‚First Editions‘-Bottlings (Littlemill, Bladnoch, Miltonduff, Caperdonich, Glen Elgin, Bunnahabhain and Clynelish)
Review: Recent ‚First Editions‘-Bottlings (Littlemill, Bladnoch, Miltonduff, Caperdonich, Glen Elgin, Bunnahabhain and Clynelish)
Andrew Laing’s new series is not yet widely known but his bottlings are really noteworthy (find some reviews here, there, there, there, there, there and there). Today I am tasting seven recent bottlings.
Review: Three older Caol Ila
Older Caol Ila can be gems that are still reasonably priced – once they hit 30 years they often display a very complex profile. Today I am comparing three older
Review: Four more Littlemill
First of all, sorry for the few posts recently. We had a terrible death in the family (R.I.P. Thomas, age 43), some mandatory tasting sessions and two television gigs – so there
Review: Two new Littlemill
Recently, many great Littlemill were released. Some reviews can be found here. Let’s hope this run continues, we need more good whisky at affordable prices. Today I am tasting two

31. August 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Glen Garioch 36 y.o. Douglas Laing Platinum 1967
Review: Glen Garioch 36 y.o. Douglas Laing Platinum 1967
After so many new releases I felt like having a classic. My search on the sample shelves found an end with this 1967 Garioch. Some of the 1960 distillates from there are

22. Juli 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Glenrothes 30 y.o. The Macphail’s Collection, 43%
Review: Glenrothes 30 y.o. The Macphail’s Collection, 43%
The Macphail’s Collection stands for great old whisky at an afordable price and can still be found on some shelves. This Glenrothes version is one of the winners within this range.
Review: Four nice Bowmore
Some Bowmore samples have piled up here, one was even taken straight from the cask (thanks, I feel honoured). With this Islay distillery you should taste before you buy as it
Review: Two more great Littlemill
From out of nowhere, great Lowland whisky turned up from closed Littlemill. What a gift. Most of these drams have succeeded so far and quickly sold out. Although I prefer
Two new Caol Ila in a Head-to head
Head-to-head is the name of the game, two Caol Ila reached my desk and need to be reviewed (honestly not a task to complain about), so here they come without further ado.

1. Juli 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Knockando 12 y.o. The Managers‘ Choice 1996 – 2009, Sherry Cask 800790, 58,5%
Review: Knockando 12 y.o. The Managers‘ Choice 1996 – 2009, Sherry Cask 800790, 58,5%
Knockando has been a big contributor to the Justerini & Brooks Blends but also has been marketed as an entry-level Single Malt at a fair price point. These whiskies,

9. Juni 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Three Cragganmore (MoS, First Editions and SMWS)
Review: Three Cragganmore (MoS, First Editions and SMWS)
Before I am flying to Scotland to meet up with most of the other Malt Maniacs for the 15th Anniversary, I am going to review three Cragganmore, another

2. Juni 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Ardbeg-Day Review: Unbottled 1975 and 1998 Sherry Casks from the Distillery
Ardbeg-Day Review: Unbottled 1975 and 1998 Sherry Casks from the Distillery
It is Ardbeg Day – finally. What a big machinery of viral/guerrilla marketing was revved up for that to refuel the cult-like following of this wonderful distillery. So be it, it was done well, let’s join in.

31. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Bodega Pago de Cirsus de Inaki Nunez ‘Seleccion de Familia’ 2004 Navarra D.O. 14,5%
Review: Bodega Pago de Cirsus de Inaki Nunez ‘Seleccion de Familia’ 2004 Navarra D.O. 14,5%
Bodega Pago de Cirsus de Inaki Nunez ‘Seleccion de Familia’ 2004 Navarra D.O. 14,5% „Die »Selección de la Familia« ist so etwas wie die ganz persönliche Botschaft von Iñaki Nuñez, erzeugt aus einer strengen Selektion der Sorten Merlot, Tempranillo und … Weiterlesen

30. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Imperial 16 y.o. Whisky-Fässle 1995 – 2011, Bourbon Hogshead, 53,9%
Review: Imperial 16 y.o. Whisky-Fässle 1995 – 2011, Bourbon Hogshead, 53,9%
Imperial used to be an ugly duckling among some other shiny distillery names (is that why it is from the Duck Series?) – now it has convinced many connoisseurs and strictly delivers good quality. I haven’t tasted a real bad … Weiterlesen
Review: An old Strathmill from 1974
Once in a blue moon … a Strathmill comes along. Indeed quite a rare dram which is not often bottled as a Single Malt. However, with the ever increasing demand for older whisky even such unusual drams find their way … Weiterlesen

22. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Two More Clynelish 1997 (A Quick Comparison)
Review: Two More Clynelish 1997 (A Quick Comparison)
Very busy days with many tasting events before summer strikes (sorry for not posting more), so here comes just a short comparison of two recent Clynelish releases because many people were asking for more of these ‚bang-for-your-buck‘ drams (like the … Weiterlesen
Review: Banana Drams – Two Old Tomintoul
Our club members always appreciated the 1966/67 Tomintouls, especially for their crazy banana aromas and deep fruitiness. These distillates can really age well and are still reasonably prized. Let’s check out two recent releases:
Review: Two Clynelish from the 1990ies
Clynelish is one of the most reliable distilleries. Rarely do these drams disappoint, and occassionally they can even take your breath away. What I like about these apple-candlewax-stormcloud-whiskies is their austerity and the fact, that they are mostly about the … Weiterlesen

8. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Two Laphroaig 1998 out of Sherry Casks (Stunner-Alarm)
Review: Two Laphroaig 1998 out of Sherry Casks (Stunner-Alarm)
When it comes to Laphroaig Malt matured in sherry, I have mixed feelings. Some of these bottlings are really messed up by the wine – yet others are really enhanced in their complexity. For me it is important that the … Weiterlesen

6. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Comparing two old Talisker 10 y.o. OB ‚Split Label‘
Review: Comparing two old Talisker 10 y.o. OB ‚Split Label‘
Talisker 10 has always been a bang for yor buck, a great whisky at a fair price – and it still is. Rumour has it that the older versions are a bit better than today’s releases from Skye. In general … Weiterlesen

4. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Short Note: Highland Park 19 y.o. Duthies Sherry Cask
Short Note: Highland Park 19 y.o. Duthies Sherry Cask
A quick post today: I could try a new Highland Park on the go, so here are my quick impressions:

2. Mai 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Springbank 40 y.o. Chieftain’s 1968 Oloroso Butt
Review: Springbank 40 y.o. Chieftain’s 1968 Oloroso Butt
On the weekend, the old 21 y.o. dumpy Springbank parchment label (silver-red box) impressed the crowd. These old Campbeltown malts are monsters in terms of complexity yet very intellectual and demanding. As a follow-up, I am going to taste the … Weiterlesen

27. April 2012
von Peter Krause
Kommentare deaktiviert für Review: Two Peated Laddies (Octomore Comus and Port Charlotte MoS)
Review: Two Peated Laddies (Octomore Comus and Port Charlotte MoS)
At Bruichladdich they seem to be keen on the record of the peatiest malt – which is Octomore with ever higher ppm-levels in terms of phenol. As weird as it sounds, the less phenolic Port Charlotte tastes way peatier (and … Weiterlesen